Do you need a new website? Do you need a better website? Do you want to engage your visitors/customers more?
We can help.
We’ve been building, renovating & managing websites since before most people knew what they were – and the fastest internet publicly available was 56k dialup!
In today’s digital world, a website is your best method of marketing your business, product or service. The first place people check for information is the Internet and your website is your best opportunity to engage and inform potential customers. Social networks are a great tool in addition to a website, but they are only a tool.
Websites must:
- Be mobile compatible: in our experience no less than half your website visitors are using a mobile device! Not only that, but our new social sharing bars give them the opportunity to share a website page via SMS – and they are using it!
- Be secured: while our servers provide a certain level of security for the data hosted there, websites are always targeted by spam, malware and other unwelcome intrusions. Extra measure to prevent this are added.
- Engaging: your content and your responsiveness to customers is what really drives traffic to your website (and improves search engine ranking).

In most cases we supply the full package (in fact, we highly recommend it) – Domain Name Registration, Website Architecture/Creation, Website Hosting & Management. This makes your task that much easier by having a single point of contact for your most important resource. Hosting on our servers also means you are covered by the security, stability & bandwidth of the Web Hosting Canada data centre – accredited by the Canadian Internet Registry Authority (CIRA) and an official cPanel, Cloudlinux, and SpamExperts partner For more about our hosting options, click here.
By the way, don’t fall for those “SEO Companies” that troll your email offering “guarantees” to put you on the first page of every search engine. Not only is that not accurate, it’s virtually impossible to “guarantee” unless you are paying them to create viable content for you. RELEVANT CONTENT is the most important factor to search engine placement. If you can tell people the who/what/where of what you have to offer, you will have the first step covered. Sure, there are a few technical things that make your website work better with search engines, but as far as we’re concerned, that’s part of creating it in the first place!
While we can manage your content for you, we encourage you to take control of your content and give you the option to update things yourself – even if it’s simply posting to your news feed or blog! After all, who knows your business better than you? This gives you much greater interaction with your audience making them feel the organization cares about them.
In many cases your greatest marketing tool is an opt-in mailing list – customers who want to hear from you about news, specials, events, or any other pertinent update.(and may include a “subscription” or V.I.P. list). We can setup and integrate your branded mailing list (through the fine folks at MailChimp) and give you the ability to engage your customers directly, giving them a “VIP” experience. After we set things up, you list runs for free up to 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month (larger lists or more frequent emails will incur reasonable fees). There are even mobile apps that allow you to instantly notify your list about something special.
We build with WordPress for it’s powerful flexibility and ease of use. If you know how to type an email, you can create a post. With a minimum of training, you can add photo galleries, video, audio, purchase links and more!
While WordPress offers a “free blog” option that may be suitable for casual websites & blogs, the true power of WordPress is in it’s self-hosted options where it can live up to it’s full potential.